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Design News

Elegant animated weekly timeline for websites

This tutorial explains how to design an elegant and animated weekly timeline, with daily annotations, using MooTools.

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Evoking Emotion With Color

Color is arguably the most important component of a project’s finished design. We should think of the emotions we wish to evoke in the audience when selecting the desired palette.

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Analysis: Chrome growth slows to a crawl

Google's Chrome browser's market share according to analysts have stagnated at 1%, and desperately need new features if it wants to start moving again.

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Adaptive Design

Looking at how we can make our websites and products smarter, easier-to-use and efficient to provide greater user experiences.

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100+ Free Marketing & Self Promotion Ideas for Freelance Web Designers

More than 100 ideas to promote your web design services for free (or almost free).

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The HSL declaration in CSS3 lets you set colors using Hue (H), Saturation (S) and Lightness (L).

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PNG-8 Alpha Transparency (screencast)

A screencast on using PNG-8 for alpha transparency and some of the advantages it brings over the most common PNG-24 format.

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Anylink CSS Menu v2.0

A flexible menu script that adds a drop down menu to any link on your page, with each menu defined inline on the page as a UL list.

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